Early Starts

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Sunday 2/26

All the photos were posted yesterday. We traveled across the river to the Yuyuan gardens. Near the entrance we found a nice little shopping area and we purchased some gifts for family. We had to bargain quite a bit for a good price. Posts 2,3 and 4 show the shopping area.

The last photo in post 4 and first in post 5 shows a famous Shanghai tea house. Notice that the bridge that you use to get to the tea house zig-zags back and forth. This is so evil spirits cannot follow.

Posts 6,7,8,9,10,11,and 12 show the Yuyuan gardens. They were beautiful.

The last photo in post 12 is from the city buddha temple that we went to after the Yuyuan gardens. People burned incense and prayed to Buddha outside. The first photo in post 13 shows the inside of the buddha temple.

Next we went to lunch - photo of lunch is included in the dinner post below. A photo of the mall where we ate lunch is in the last photo of post 13.

Next we went to the Bund area and looked around. Posts 14 and 15 show the Bund area.

To get to the other side of the Pu river, we took a tunnel by getting into a small single train car and went through a tunnel that was all lit up. Post 17 shows photos of this.

On the other side, we went to the Oriental pearl TV tower shown in the middle 2 photos of post 18. This tower is 468 meters high and is the highest TV tower in Asia and the third highest in the world. We went up to 263 meters and then 350 meters to look out the windows of the "pearls". Post 19 and the Shanghai photos post show photos from inside the tower.

In the bottom of the tower is a museum that showed the history of Shanghai. It was very interesting.

Last we went to dinner at South Beauty. The first 2 photos of post 21 shows the view from our table and the bottom 2 posts are from the entrance area.


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