Early Starts

Monday, March 06, 2006

Silk making.

Photo 1 shows the silk moth, egg, and worm life stages.
2 shows the silk cocoons and a leaf the worms eat.
3 and 4 shows how the silk is gathered and processed. They take each cocoon and soak it in water and use a brush that finds the end of the thread. The cocoons are made from a single long thread.

See the containers full of cocoons soaking in water at the bottom of the photo? That is where they find the thread ends. The little clusters of 8 or so cocoons just above that are the ones that have the thread ends fed into the machine and they are spinning around in the water very quickly while the machine is collecting the thread. The silk thread is pulled up and around the spools at the top.

Later this thread is woven into fabric. This place sold expensive very high quality real silk items (I bought Kelli something...)

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