Early Starts

Monday, February 05, 2007

Caching Sunday Morning

We left our hotel knowing there was a cache in walkable distance (.3 miles). We headed out down the road. We followed the unmarked road which was through a bamboo forest. As we neared the cache we turned onto an unpaved wide path. Scott was unsure if we should go down it. As I followed the GPS we came a upon a stair up to this Shrine/Temple thing. Spooky!! It was windy and no leaves on the ground. No sign of people but it was neatly swept. I had to tell Scott to come up. The cache was here. In a tree to the right of the temple.

Quickly took pictures and signed the log. Then found ourselves out of there.
What a cool place to go for a walk. It was about 45 and sunny with a nasty wind. I wished I brought my hat. Posted by Picasa


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