Early Starts

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Monday in Hakkone

After getting to the top of the cable car ride now we got in a "rope way."
On our way up, we saw the first sight of snow. I had thought there would have be more up in the mountains.

As we were climbing higher and higher I keep looking and hoping to see Mount Fuji. Is that it? We were hoping and waiting, but nothing.
The steam raising from the mountain is volcano gases. There was yellow stuff around pipes. We figure it was sulfur.

Here when we got off. The building there is where we boarded a bus.

Yes we are not there yet.

bullet train, romance train, regular rail, cable car, rope way one bus, and finally a city bus.

Now the question is how do we know where we are and when to get off, when everything is in Japanese. This was the most stressful bus trip ever!!! Posted by Picasa


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