Early Starts

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Our trip up the mountain

Before I start I just want to say sorry for the bad spelling errors!! I am so tired when I sit down to do this I don't even double check for mistakes.

This day started out bad and only continued to be very stressful. We started by missing the shuttle bus by a minute from the hotel to the airport which continua with more missed trains and wrong turns. We had many different trains and other modes of transportation to get up the mountain .

This picture is Scott waiting for the train. Because I brought us to the wrong spot. For I got the address mixed up for our Ryokan we were to stay at. Ryokan is a Japanese bed and breakfast place, which you have to check in between 3-5pm. Since it was already 2pm, we were unable do anything else. Side note Scott had to work for a couple of hours. I was hoping to have more time to explore.
After the train made it as far as it could, we transfer to a cable car straight up. You can see the other car coming down where we meet in the middle. All these trips were great, but we stressed about finding our hotel Posted by Picasa


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